There are ortographic errors that even Italian native speakers make, most of them concern the use of apostrophe. So here I’ll give you a summary about rules (with examples) you need to know to use it correctly.

First of all, the apostrophe is a mark related to elision and in a few cases to truncation (or apocope).
But what do elision and truncation mean?
Elision is the loss of a final unaccented vowel before a word starting with a vowel or the letter H.
Truncation is the loss of one sound or syllable at the end of a word.
The difference between elision and truncation is that in the latter the apocopated sound preserve and communicate its meaning, even if pronounced in isolation.

Let’s look at all cases of elision:

1. Una before feminine words
Example: un’amica

2. Lo and La (article or pronoun)
Examples: l’olio, l’anatra, l’ho letto, l’ho mangiata

3. Questo, questa
Examples: quest’orso, quest’arte

4. The preposition Di
Examples: d’italia, d’uso, d’accordo

5. Pronoun particles mi, ti, si, vi
Examples. m’ha scritto, t’aiuta, s’arrestò, v’aspettano
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